The Dangerous Duty of Delight
Reviewed date: 2009 Sep 8
96 pages
John Piper's little book explains a way of life that he calls Christian Hedonism. It boils down to this: we will get the most satisfaction and joy and pleasure in serving God. God commands us to rejoice in him. Obeying God out of duty is not a fully developed Christian walk. When we really understand the joys that await us, we will enthusiastically and joyfully forgo the temporary pleasures of this world to obtain far greater eternal pleasures in the presence of God.
I've never struggled too much with a works-based, duty-driven faith. The idea of wanting the things of God always made sense. God doesn't desire a reluctant obedience, he demands a complete change of heart. He demands that we rejoice in him. I found Piper's theology to be self-evident. Perhaps those who have exposure to reluctant, dutiful-but-unjoyful Christians will experience a greater enlightenment, but for me, The Dangerous Duty of Delight is pretty elementary. That isn't to say it's easy to put into practice, however!