Missionary Biography Book Review

Hudson Taylor

by Susan Martins Miller
Reviewed date: 2009 Mar 31
218 pages
cover art

This illustrated biography of Hudson Taylor is for young kids. Miller writes compellingly; she highlights the spiritual dimension of Hudson Taylor's life more than the details of his missionary work in inland China. That makes it too dull for some kids, but it does a great job of showing real-life examples of the meaning of repentance, the importance of following God, and of radical faith. For example, Miller recounts the time that the staff of the China Inland Mission met to celebrate the arrival of 100 new missionaries in China--before any missionaries had arrived or even been recruited. They had asked God for 100 new missionaries, and they knew he would provide. In another chapter, Hudson's health deteriorates as he struggles to plan and fund the missionary efforts in inland China. Then, an epiphany: taking the gospel to China is God's work--not Hudson's. God will provide the missionaries and the money. Hudson only has to be faithful. Hudson's worries fall away and his health returns.

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