Faith of Our Fathers: A Study of the Nicene Creed
Reviewed date: 2024 Nov 29
147 pages
I'm looking for a small-group study guide about the Nicene Creed. This book is organized in such a way, but the content is disappointing. The author doesn't stick to the subject at hand—the Nicene Creed and how it defines orthodoxy—but often goes on harangues against modern society that are disconnected from the Nicene Creed. Don't get me wrong—there is plenty about the Nicene Creed in here—but I would not use this as a small-group study for people who don't already have a familiarity with the Nicene Creed and with basic Christian doctrine.
On the other hand, it does have an excellent chapter on the history of the Council of Nicea and the principle people involved. I will definitely use this as background material if and when I teach on the Nicene Creed.