Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 2012

Reviewed date: 2012 Aug 8
112 pages
cover art

This wasn't a bad issue, but I didn't terribly much like the Twain-Kipling silly story. And The Voices strikes me as pure fantasy. Oh well.

  • Novelette: Done That, Never Been There, by Brad Aiken - A private investigator looks into the case of a mysterious death on the moon.
  • Novelette: Elmira, 1895, by Michael F. Flynn - Mark Twain and Rudyard Kipling and a crashed alien spacecraft.
  • Novelette: The Voices, by Alec Nevala-Lee - A young woman who has inherited the family curse of hearing voices is going through experimental therapy, but discovers the voices are very real.
  • Novelette: Rent in Space, by Susan Forest - A man finds a "rent" in space in his living room, and his friend uses it to dispose of hazardous waste.
  • Short story: Mythunderstanding, by Carl Frederick - Roger travels to the planet Thirshk to negotiate an osmium-mining agreement, but the inhabitants appear to be stupid.
  • Short story: The Long View, by Jerry Oltion - An amateur astronaut travels to the moon to leave a time capsule for future civilizations--and discovers a time capsule left millennia ago by visiting aliens.
  • Science Fact: SIGMA: Summing Up Speculation, by Arlan Andrews, Sr. - A group of science fiction writers help advise the United States government.

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